
Full Payment Option

Early-Bird Discounts

We offer deep discounts for those that confirm their reservations in advance. Why do we do this? We do this because the earlier we can reserve space and experiences the more we can offer for you!

Would you like to save 25%?

Reserve your spot today and make the full-payment more than 120 days before the retreat!

Upcoming 25% full-payment discount deadlines:

December 14th, 2019 for our Apr. 12- Apr. 18th, 2020 Retreat

August 29th, 2020 for our Dec. 27th- Jan. 2nd , 2020-2021 Retreat

Would you like to save 20%?

Reserve your spot today and make the full-payment more than 90 days before the retreat!

Upcoming 20% full-payment discount deadlines:

January 13th, 2020 for our Apr. 12- Apr. 18th, 2020 Retreat

September 28th, 2020 for our Dec. 27th- Jan. 2nd , 2020-2021 Retreat

Deposit Option

Early-Bird Discounts

Part of clarity is learning to embrace planning, organization, and awareness. In order to live in harmony with our own teaching we offer you clear and supportive options to plan for your retreat.

Would you like to save 20%?

Reserve your spot today and make you FIRST DEPOSIT more than 120 days before the retreat!

Upcoming 20% discount deadlines:

December 14th, 2019 for our Apr. 12- Apr. 18th, 2020 Retreat

August 29th, 2020 for our Dec. 27th- Jan. 2nd , 2020-2021 Retreat